Configure SilverLight in PLESK

Step 1:
Log into your PLESK control panel.

Step 2:
Click the Domains icon from the left-hand side of the screen.

Step 3:
Click your domain from the Domains section at the bottom of the page.

Step 4:
Click on the "Web Directories" icon from the "Services" section.

Step 5:
At the top of the page, click on the "MIME Types" tab.

Step 6:
Click on the "Add New MIME Type" button.

Step 7:
In the field to the right "Extension", enter in the first extension name:


Then, to the right of the "Content", using the available drop down menu, select the following option:


After these two values have been set, click the "OK" button to finalize the changes. This process will need to be repeated for the following values:

Extension       Content
.XAP              application/x-silverlight-app
.XBAP            application/x-ms-xbap 

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